If the TRACES system or one of its functions is unavailable for more than one hour, and such an interruption is officially notified by one of the responsible authorities (Border Control Posts - BCP, Local Health Authorities-ASL), users may use one of the fillable electronic templates made available on this portal to register and exchange information.

These templates are not to be used, and will not be accepted by the competent authorities, in circumstances other than the official notification of activation of the contingency plan (Article 46 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715 of 30 September 2019 laying down rules for the operation of the system for the processing of information for official controls and its system elements 'the IMSOC Regulation' - OJ L 261, 14.10.2019, p. 37).

Users registered in TRACES will then be able to provide notification of animals, products of animal origin, certain products of plant origin and MOCAs, by filling in the appropriate certificate template for the type of operation to be carried out, marked 'processed in an emergency situation', and then sending it by e-mail to the relevant authority.

The available models are divided into the following groups:

  • imports from third countries (CHED):
    • live animals (CHED-A)
    • products of animal origin (CHED-P)
    • products of non animal origin and FCM (CHED-D)
  • intra-Community trade (INTRA)
  • exports to third countries (EXPORT):
    • live animals
    • products of animal origin intended for human consumption
    • animal feed

During the period in which the TRACES system or one of its functions is unavailable, all documents required for the planned control activities by the Competent Authorities may also be exchanged electronically. These documents must be marked "drawn up in an emergency situation", which must be affixed to the attached documents by the operator. (*)

As soon as the system or one of its functions is available again, users must enter into TRACES the information on the previously completed forms and any additional documentation transmitted during the emergency period.

(*) Since the transmission of documents takes place, during the emergency period, mainly by e-mail, the electronic format of these documents must be of a compressed type (e.g. PDF or JPG), with low resolution, in black and white, and as small as possible in size (Kb or Mb).

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Data di pubblicazione: 3 novembre 2022, ultimo aggiornamento 15 gennaio 2025

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