Comunicato n. 74
Data del comunicato
29 novembre 2021
Covid-19, Speranza al G7: “Ora supportare concretamente vaccinazione nei Paesi più fragili”
“L’identificazione della variante Omicron nell’area meridionale dell’Africa conferma l’urgenza di fare di più per vaccinare la popolazione dei Paesi più fragili”. Lo ha dichiarato il Ministro della Salute, Roberto Speranza, intervenendo al G7 dei ministri della Salute.
“Non basta donare dosi - ha proseguito il Ministro - dobbiamo supportare concretamente chi non ha servizi sanitari strutturati e capillari come i nostri. Occorre essere certi che i vaccini donati vengano effettivamente somministrati e per farlo nei paesi più fragili, ci sarà bisogno del ruolo di coordinamento di ONU e OMS”.
“The global community is faced at a first evaluation with the threat of a new, highly transmissible variant of COVID-19, which requires urgent action. Therefore today G7 Health Ministers held an urgent meeting to discuss developments with regard to concerns related to the Omicron variant. G7 Ministers reiterated the commitment to taking forward the pledges in the G7 Carbis Bay Leaders Communique and G7 Health Ministers declaration as well as the Global Health Summit and the G20 Rome Declarations. Ministers praised the exemplary work of South Africa in both detecting the variant and alerting others to it. There was strong support to set up an international pathogen surveillance network within the framework of the WHO.
Ministers also recognised the strategic relevance of ensuring access to vaccines, including surge for vaccines absorption and country readiness for receiving and deploying COVID vaccines, providing operational assistance, taking forward our donation commitments, and tackling vaccine misinformation, as well as supporting R&D. They indicated that in the coming weeks, Ministers committed to continue to work closely together, with WHO and international partners to share information and monitor Omicron. Ministers committed to meeting again in December”. - GIROTAVOLO G7
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