National Health Council
Office: Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 - 00144 Rome
Telephone: 06 5994 2813-2934
National Health Council
The National Health Council is the Minister’s technical and scientific consulting body. Its founding can be ascribed to the royal edict of Charles Albert dated 30th October 1847, in which the King of Sardinia, by abolishing the jurisdiction of the Health Magistrates, establishes a National Health Council in the Capital, together with provincial councils that will “watch over the practice of medicine and surgery, as well as obstetrics, phlebotomy and pharmacy”.
Its importance is consolidated by the law of administrative unification dated 20th March 1865 which, together with an organic body of additional regulations, will have a decisive influence on the subsequent legislation, producing effects throughout the period of the Kingdom of Italy and continuing also into the Republic. The contribution of the National Health Council, headed by chairmen with high technical and scientific competences and of high moral character, has accompanied the evolution of our country up to the present day.
The Chairman of the National Health Council is Prof. Enrico Garaci.
The Assembly is organized in five sections which deal with the various health and social issues.
In accordance with the DPR 108 of 11 March 2011, regarding the new organization of the Ministry of Health, the Directorate General of National Boards for the Protection of Health performs secretarial and other support activities for the National Health Council, referred to in article 1, comma 2; it also liaises, on matters pertaining to the National Health Council, with the other departments and directorates general of the Ministry, with the National Health Institute, with the National Institute for prevention and safety at work, with the National Agency for regional health services and with the Italian Drug Agency.