IPOCM e-Learning service aims at being a tool for professional enrichment and support of health personnel working in Italian Hospitals abroad. The new on-line distance courses produced by Alleanza for self-instruction through its own platform, represent the result of a long way of design and development, motivated and led by the effective needs of users.
In fact, a first phase of research, made by the Secretariat General, has been necessary for an accurate report on instructional needs of personnel working into the Italian Hospitals abroad. Through ad hoc questionnaires administered to platform users, large interest issues have been prioritized and, therefore, 18 courses which expand the formative catalogue have been produced.
In relation to the issues to be treated, six Scientific-Editorial Groups have been established, each of which looking after the production of contents for the assigned courses. To do this, there have been involved specialists of the academic world and medical practitioners leading the main Italian public and private medical structures.
Thus, the Groups are:
- Obstetrics and gynaecology (pdf, 850 Kb)
- Scan in obstetric-gynaecological pathology (pdf, 900 Kb)
- Infectious diseases (pdf, 50 Kb)
- Organization of basic health services (pdf, 40 Kb)
- Odontostomatology (pdf, 90 Kb)
- Paediatrics (pdf, 50 Kb)
Contents have been produced and organized according to Guidelines (pdf, 150 Kb) edited by the Secretariat General in order either to make easier the working planning and to assure uniformity and consistency among the different courses, through the sharing of objectives and procedures.
Moreover, in the multimedia material development the most advanced technological standards have been assured (SCORM-pdf, 15 Kb).
Considered the characteristics of the target, length of fruition for each course falls within a hour and a half. For all these reasons, they represent a powerful, manageable and, at the same time, re-usable tool for deepening and study.