Home / Modules and services / Recognition of health professional qualifications obtained in EU Member States or Equivalent / Recognition of a health professional qualification attained in a non-EU country, authorising to pursue the profession of DENTAL TECHNICIAN in Italy.

Recognition of a health professional qualification attained in a non-EU country, authorising to pursue the profession of DENTAL TECHNICIAN in Italy.


La proceduraProcedure

For the recognition of a health professional qualification attained in a non-EU country and authorising to pursue the equivalent profession in Italy, applicants will submit the application, provided with a stamp duty, sending it to the Italian Ministry of Health, and including the full documentation required in the application form. If the documentation is not complete, the referent office will ask for integration of the missing documents.

At the end of the assessment procedure, one of the following assessments will be issued:

  • Recognition decree;
  • Recognition contingent upon success in a compensatory measure;
  • Notification of rejection.

Chi può richiederloWho can apply?

Non-EU citizens, non-EU citizens whose qualification has already been recognized in another EU Member State, and EU citizens.

Cosa serve per richiederloWhat do I need?

Application form for professional qualification’s recognition, duly filled in and provided with the documentation required in Annex ‘D2-24’.

ModuliApplication form and guidelines

Come si presenta la richiestaHow can I apply?

  • Traditional Mail
    Receiving office: Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF) - Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali
    Address of the receiving office: Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 00144 Roma
  • Hand delivery
    Address: Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 00144 Roma

Quanto tempo ci vuoleHow long does it take?

Four months from submission of complete application.

Quanto costaHow much does it cost?

Fee: Fee: stamp duty required

Stamp duty: €16,00 stamp duty, to be put on the application form, one for each qualification whose recognition the person is applying for.

Payment method

  • Through online payment via the integrated Online Payment connected with PagoPA

Come viene comunicato l'esitoHow do I know the outcome?

  • Traditional mail

Dove viene pubblicato l'esitoOutcome Publication

  • Institutional Site

NormativaRelevant law

Go to Trovanormesalute

ContattiContact us

  • Referent Name: Giuseppina Simoncelli
    Address: Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 - 00144 Roma
    Email: g.simoncelli@sanita.it

Ufficio responsabile del procedimentoReferent Office for Legal proceedings

Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF)
Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali


not present

TemiThematic site

Ufficio responsabile del procedimentoOffice

Last update: 04 april 2024
