Home / Modules and services / Recognition of health professional qualifications obtained in EU Member States or Equivalent / Recognition of the professional qualification of specialised doctor obtained in EU Member States, in the Swiss Confederation or in the European Economic Area - EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) by citizens from the EU, the Swiss Confederation or the EEA.

Recognition of the professional qualification of specialised doctor obtained in EU Member States, in the Swiss Confederation or in the European Economic Area - EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) by citizens from the EU, the Swiss Confederation or the EEA.


La proceduraProcedure

For the recognition of the professional qualification of specialised doctor obtained in a Member State, EEA Country or in the Swiss Confederation, the health professionals who wish to pursue their professional activities in Italy are required to apply to the Italian Ministry of Health, providing all the necessary documents listed in the application form. If the documentation provided by the applicant is not complete, the referent Office will require for integration of lacking documents.At the end of the assessment procedure, one of the following will be issued:

  • Recognition decree;
  • Recognition decree contingent upon a certificate attesting success in a compensatory measure;
  • Notification of rejection.

Chi può richiederloWho can apply?

The following professionals can apply: EU citizens, citizens from the Swiss Confederation and citizens from the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) who have obtained their qualification as specialised doctor in a Member State, in a country of the EEA or in the Swiss Confederation.

Cosa serve per richiederloWhat do I need?

Applicants for the recognition of their professional qualification should fill in the provided Online Form.
The system automatically generates a file in PDF format, which will be either signed digitally with a qualified electronic signature, as provided by eIDAS Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014, or printed, signed with a handwritten signature and scanned.
The signed application form and any other relevant document required by Annex A1 must be sent to the certified email (PEC), following the guidelines provided in the section ‘How can I apply’.

ModuliApplication form and guidelines

Come si presenta la richiestaHow can I apply?

  • Certified email (PEC)
    Certified email: dgrups@postacert.sanita.it
    Email subject: Surname - Name – date of birth – country where the qualification was obtained – specialised doctor qualification recognition
    Further instructions: Remember to attach: application, payment RECEIPT of the stamp duty by bank transfer (NO order of payment and NO submission of bank transfer), PDF FILE of the whole necessary documentation (NO SCREENSHOT, NO PHOTO, etc). Each document will be submitted as a single corresponding pdf file (NO one overall pdf file grouping all the documents together). PLEASE NOTE: bank transfer is the only accepted payment method for the tax duty (NO STAMP DUTY).
  • Email
    Email of the receiving office: dgrups@postacert.sanita.it
    Email subject: Surname - Name – date of birth – country where the qualification was obtained – specialised doctor qualification recognition
    Further instructions: Remember to attach: application, payment RECEIPT of the stamp duty by bank transfer (NO order of payment and NO submission of bank transfer), PDF FILE of the whole necessary documentation (NO SCREENSHOT, NO PHOTO, etc). Each document will be submitted as a single corresponding pdf file (NO one overall pdf file grouping all the documents together). PLEASE NOTE: bank transfer is the only accepted payment method for the tax duty (NO STAMP DUTY).

Quanto tempo ci vuoleHow long does it take?

Three months from submission of full application.

Quanto costaHow much does it cost?

Fee: 16.00€

Payment method

  • Through online payment via the integrated Online Payment connected with PagoPA
    Causale: Surname Name. Imposta di bollo istanza riconoscimento qualifica medico specialista

Come viene comunicato l'esitoHow do I know the outcome?

  • Traditional mail

Dove viene pubblicato l'esitoOutcome Publication

  • Institutional Site

NormativaRelevant law

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ContattiContact us

  • Referent Name: Fabiana Vitrano
    Address: Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 - 00144 Roma
    Email: f.vitrano@sanita.it

Ufficio responsabile del procedimentoReferent Office for Legal proceedings

Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF)
Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali


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Last update: 13 march 2024
