For the cross-border free provision of services, health professionals are required to be legally established in the Member State where they wish to pursue their profession. If Italy is the host Member State, the health professional gives prior notice to the Italian Ministry of Health by means of an annual declaration, that can be renewed beforehand if objective changes occur.If all the provisions under the relevant legislation are complied with, The Italian Ministry of Health, at the end of the assessment procedure, notifies the competent professional Association about the positive or negative decision concerning the professional’s application.
The following professionals can apply to provide their services: EU citizens, citizens from the Swiss Confederation and citizens from the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) who have obtained their qualification as dental practitioner in a Member State, EEA Country or in the Swiss Confederation and who are legally established in a Member State where they pursue the same professional activity.
The professionals who move to Italy for the first time from a third country and who wish to provide their services are required to inform the Ministry of Health giving 30 days’ prior notice, except for any urgencies, and they should submit the following documents:
All the documents must be sent to the certified email (PEC), following the guidelines provided in the section ‘How can I apply’.
Application form and guidelines
One month from submission of full application.
Fee: 16.00€
Payment method
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Referent Office for Legal proceedings
Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF)
Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali
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Last update: 13 march 2024