"These are difficult days. The contagion curve is on the rise on a global level. The wave is extremely high throughout Europe. We must react immediately and be determined if we want to avoid unsustainable numbers. That's why we have signed a new Ministerial Decree enforcing restrictive measures, to reduce further chances of infection. Every choice involves sacrifices and giving up something. I am aware of this. But we must act resolutely, if we want to contain the virus at this time, until effective and safe vaccines and treatments will be available. Last Spring, we proved to be a great country. We will succeed this time too, but only with the essential contribution of each and every one of us".
The statement was released by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, introducing the new Ministerial Decree - Dpcm of October 24, published in the Italian Official Gazette on October 25. The decree includes new restrictive measures in force until November 24, 2020.
These are the new measures introduced by the new Prime Ministerial Decree.
People Movement
It is strongly recommended to refrain from travelling by public or private means of transport, with the exception of work, study and health related reasons, any urgent matters, or when carrying out activities or using services that are still available.
Streets and/or squares may be closed to the public after 9 p.m., to refrain people from gathering, without prejudice to the possibility of access to and exit from any shops that are legitimately open and private homes.
Schools and Universities
According to the evolution of the epidemiological framework, universities will have to set up plans to organise in-presence and distance learning, according to the different educational needs. For secondary schools, the use of integrated digital learning will be increased by 75%.
Bars, restaurants and ice-cream parlours and pastry shops
Starting October 26, the activities of bars, pubs, restaurants, ice-cream parlours, and pastry shops are allowed every day from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., including Sundays; eating and drinking at the table is allowed for a maximum of 4 people per table, unless they all live together. Take-away services are always allowed with home delivery, until midnight. These restrictions do not apply to hotel catering.
The obligation in public premises and in all commercial establishments to display a sign at the entrance showing the number of customers allowed is confirmed.
Sports activities, gyms, swimming pools
The activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centres, wellness centres and spas are suspended, with the exception of those providing required health care services or within Lea.
Outdoor sports or exercise activities are permitted, even in equipped areas and public parks (if accessible), in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least two metres for sports activities.
Professional and amateur sports events and competitions, recognised as events of national interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and the relevant national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies, or organised by international sports bodies, are allowed only if held inside sports facilities, behind closed doors or outdoors, without any audience.
Museums and Cultural Institutes
Museums and other cultural institutes and venues remain open, with a limited entrance number of visitors. Theatres, cinemas, and concert halls are closed.
Conferences, trade fairs and other events are suspended, with the exception of those held remotely.
Dance halls, discotheques, amusement parks and other venues
Activities that take place in dance halls and discotheques and similar venues, outdoor or indoor, will still be suspended. Celebrations in indoor and outdoor spaces are forbidden, including those connected to civil and religious ceremonies. With regard to private homes, it is strongly recommended not to receive guests other than cohabitants, except for work needs or urgent matters.
The activities of theme and amusement parks are suspended.
Contact tracing
In order to make contact tracing more effective through the use of the Immuni App, health care personnel of the Prevention Department of the local health authority who have access to the central Immuni system must upload the key code in presence of a positive case.
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Data di pubblicazione: 27 October 2020 , ultimo aggiornamento 28 October 2020