For the recognition of a health professional qualification attained in a non-EU country and authorising to pursue the equivalent profession in Italy, applicants will submit the application, provided with a stamp duty, sending it to the Italian Ministry of Health, and including the full documentation required in the application form. If the documentation is not complete, the referent office will ask for integration of the missing documents.
At the end of the assessment procedure, one of the following assessments will be issued:
Non-EU citizens, non-EU citizens whose qualification has already been recognized in another EU Member State, and EU citizens.
Application form for professional qualification’s recognition, duly filled in and provided with the documentation required in Annex ‘D2-5’.
Application form and guidelines
Four months from submission of complete application.
Rate: Fee: stamp duty required
Stamp duty: €16,00 stamp duty, to be put on the application form, one for each qualification whose recognition the person is applying for.
Payment method
Consulta il Trovanormesalute
Referent Office for Legal proceedings
Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF)
Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali
Not present
Thematic Site
Last modified date: 04 April 2024