Home / Ricerca per Materia / Reporting of temporary shortages of veterinary products

Reporting of temporary shortages of veterinary products



The Marketing Authorization Holder must notify temporary cessation of the marketing of the veterinary medicinal products to the Ministry of Health; this communication, except in exceptional  circumstances, must be received at least two months before the interruption.

Who can apply?Who can apply?

MAHs, their legal representatives or persons or companies delegated by them, located in the European Union or EEA.

What do I need?What do I need?

Filled reporting form of temporary shortages of veterinary medicinal products.

Reporting form for veterinary medicinal products.pdf

Application form and guidelinesApplication form and guidelines

  • Reporting form for veterinary medicinal products (formato pdf)

How can I apply?How can I apply?

  • Certified Email (PEC)
    Certified email: dgsa@postacert.it
    Email subject: Reporting form for veterinary medicinal products
  • E-Mail
    Email of the receiving office: VMP-availability@sanita.it
    Email subject: Reporting form for veterinary medicinal products

How long does it take?How long does it take?

No time range forseen.

How much does it cost?How much does it cost?

not present

How do I know the outcome?How do I know the outcome?

not present

Outcome PublicationOutcome Publication

not present

Relevant lawRelevant law

  • Decreto Legislativo 6 aprile 2006, n. 193. Attuazione della direttiva 2004/28/CE (e successive direttive di modifica) recante codice comunitario dei medicinali veterinari, art. 32.2

Consulta il Trovanormesalute

Contact usContact us

  • Referent Name: Stefania Dalfrà
    Address: Viale G. Ribotta 5, 00144 Roma
    Telephone: 0659946248
    Email: s.dalfra@sanita.it
  • Referent Name: Lauro Cascia
    Address: Viale G. Ribotta 5, 00144 Roma
    Telephone: 06 59943913
    Email: l.cascia@sanita.it

Referent Office for Legal proceedingsReferent Office for Legal proceedings

Direzione Generale della Sanità Animale e dei Farmaci veterinari (DGSAF)
Ufficio 4 - Medicinali veterinari


Not present

Thematic SiteThematic Site


Last modified date: 31 August 2023
