Ministero della Salute

Services on line

Last modified date: 27 June 2022

Recognition of the professional qualification of NURSE or RADIOLOGY TECHNICIAN, attained in a non-EU country by EU citizens.

Application form and guidelinesApplication form and guidelines

How can I apply?How can I apply?

How long does it take?How long does it take?

not present

How much does it cost?How much does it cost?

Rate: Fee: stamp duty required

Stamp duty: €16,00 stamp duty, to be put on the application form.

Payment method

  • Through online payment via the integrated Online Payment connected with PagoPA

How do I know the outcome?How do I know the outcome?

not present

Outcome PublicationOutcome Publication

not present

Relevant lawRelevant law

not present

Contact usContact us

not present

Referent Office for Legal proceedingsReferent Office for Legal proceedings

Direzione Generale delle Professioni sanitarie e delle risorse umane del servizio sanitario nazionale (DGPROF)
Ufficio 2 - Riconoscimento titoli delle professionalità sanitarie e delle lauree specialistiche e magistrali

TemiThematic Site

Referent Office for Legal proceedingsOffice