116117 is the European number for accessing non-urgent medical assistance and other low-intensity/low-priority local health services.
This communication tool is available to all citizens without any pre-registration requirements, but it cannot be called from a blocked mobile phone as it is not an emergency number.
It is staffed by Italian-speaking and English-speaking operators.
116117 is a speed-dial number that does not require a prefix. Calls may be made from a landline or mobile number, with no time limit, free of charge.
The organisational structure of the service in Italy may vary from region to region.
The telephone number is currently available throughout the Lombardy Region, Piedimont Region, Tuscany Region, in the Autonomous province of Trento, Sardinia Region ( ASL Sulcis Iglesiente), Veneto Region (Bassano del Grappa District number 1) and Lazio Region (Rome and province of Rome).
The number provides all citizens with 24-hour access to uninterrupted non-urgent medical assistance and advice. It also acts as a link with the out-of-hours and emergency assistance service.
The number provides access to the following services:
The service is available 24/7.
The Italian Ministry of Health coordinates and supports the regional authorities during roll-out.
Regional authorities may request, within a regional programme, activation of the 116117 service in accordance with the requirements laid down in the State-Regions Agreement of 24 November 2016.
The number was set up by the European Union and Member States were asked to take the necessary measures for activation through two Decisions.
Decision on reserving the national numbering range beginning with 116 for harmonised numbers for harmonised services of social value – Published in OJ EC L 49/30 of 17 February 2007
Decision amending Decision 2007/116/EC as regards the introduction of additional reserved numbers beginning with 116 – Published in OJ EC L 317/46 of 3 December 2009
Understanding, within the meaning of Article 8(6) of Italian Law No 131 of 5 June 2003, between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano regarding the new Health Pact for 2014-2016
Adoption of the new numbering plan for the telecommunications sector and implementing regulations, amending and extending the numbering plan pursuant to decision No 52/12/cir
Agreement, pursuant to Article 5(12) of the Understanding of 10 July 2014 (Doc. Ref. No 82/CSR) ‘Health Pact 2014-2016’, between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the ‘Guidelines on the criteria and procedures for activation of the harmonised European number with social value 116117’
Last update 15 january 2025