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FAQ - Healthcare facilities and providers

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You can obtain this information directly from your health professional, who must inform you of his/her authorisation and/or registration status.

Alternatively, you can obtain this information from the Contact Point of the country in which the health professional practises or from your National Contact Point.

You can receive this information directly from your healthcare provider, who is required to inform you about the quality and safety of the healthcare he/she provides.

Alternatively, you can obtain the information you need from the Contact Point of the country in which the healthcare provider practises the profession or from your National Contact Point.

No, healthcare providers must apply the same tariffs and fees to foreign patients as to resident patients in a comparable clinical situation. If no comparable price exists, they must set a price calculated on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria.

You can request this information directly from the healthcare provider in the EU country where you intend to be treated. The healthcare provider is obliged to inform you of the tariffs and fees.

Last update: 24 october 2019


National Contact Point