Ministero della Salute

Comunicato stampa n. 184

Data comunicato: 22 ottobre 2014

Confernza internazionale sulle frodi alimentari "A joint effort to ensure the safety and integrity of our food”

Il 23 e 24 ottobre si terrà a Roma, presso l’Auditorium del Ministero della Salute di via Giorgio Ribotta, 5 la Conferenza internazionale sulle frodi alimentari dal titolo “Uno sforzo comune per assicurare la sicurezza e l’integrità dei nostri alimenti”. I lavori saranno aperti dal Ministro della salute Beatrice Lorenzin.

All’evento, organizzato in collaborazione con la Commissione europea, saranno presenti speakers della Direzione generale salute e consumatori della Commissione, esponenti di spicco delle Autorità competenti in materia di sicurezza alimentare di sei Stati Membri e rappresentanti di tutti i 28  Paesi dell’Unione europea.

La conferenza costituisce un’occasione unica di confronto tra tutti i soggetti, sia istituzionali che privati, coinvolti nelle azioni di contrasto al fenomeno delle frodi alimentari, a livello europeo e internazionale.

La lotta alle frodi alimentari rappresenta una delle priorità del Ministero della salute durante il semestre di Presidenza del Consiglio dell’Unione europea. L’Italia è, infatti, il Paese con il maggior numero di prodotti tradizionali, ma anche il maggior numero di prodotti “copiati”.

Le due giornate di lavori saranno finalizzate ad individuare concrete misure per un approccio multidisciplinare alla questione, da condividere tra tutti i soggetti impegnati nella lotta alle frodi alimentari.




A joint effort to ensure the safety and integrity of our food


To raise the concern about intentional violations of the European food law as a major global challenge and to promote and expand collaboration and communication by providing a platform to those parties involved in fighting fraud, ranging from leading food control and judicial authorities to industry and consumers stakeholders.



Thursday 23rd October 2014

13:30 – 14:00Registration and Coffee
14:00 – 14:30

Opening remarks

Beatrice Lorenzin - Italian Minister of Health  ∫  E. Poudelet – Director,  Safety of Food Chain, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers

Session 1 – Food Fraud Overview - EU and National Perspectives
14:30 – 14:40Chair/Moderator Introduction Borrello (Italian Ministry of Health)
14:40 – 15:40

4 Speakers – 15 minutes for each presentation to address the following topics:

·       What is food fraud?– (An overview of the concept of fraud, laws and regulations; extension of the problem, etc. Could also include an overview of major incidents and current threats to brand and consumer protection, financial implications, etc.) – Francesco Lo Voi (Eurojust)

·       The EU perspective(An overview of European Commission’s policy initiatives) –Carmen Garau (Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers)

·     Glenn Taylor (Hampshire County Council, UK )

·     Stefano Vaccari (Ministry of Agriculture, IT)

15:40– 16:10Debate with speakers – Q&A
16:10 – 16:30Coffee break
Session 2 – Industry and Consumer Perspectives
16:30 – 16:40Chair/Moderator Introduction -  Eric Poudelet (Director, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers)
16:40 – 17:10

2 speakers, 15 minutes each to present industry and consumer experience and views:

·    Global Food Safety Initiative’s (GFSI) cutting-edge information and experiences on food fraud - Yves Rey (Corporate  Quality Manager Danone)

·    The European Consumer Organisation’s (BEUC) expectations and views

17:10 – 17:30Debate with speakers – Q&A
17:30– 17:40Closing first day of conference



Friday 24 October

Session 3 Needs and Options for a Collaborative Approach / Case Studies
9:30 - 9:40Chair/Moderator Introduction - Eric Marin (Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers)
9:40 – 10:25

3 speakers, 15 minutes each to present, including 2 case studies to take a more in-depth look at the food fraud challenges and explore new ideas to expand the experts' connections/network:

·       Collaborative approach – Professor Chris Elliott (Queen’s University, Belfast, UK)

·       1st case – Michael Rosenmark (Danish Flying Squad)

·       2nd case  – C.P.M. de Bouter (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority)

10:25 -10:55Debate with speakers – Q&A
10:55 – 11:10Coffee break
11:10 - 11:20Chair/Moderator Introduction- Silvio Borrello (Italian Ministry of Health)
11:20 – 12:05

3 speakers (15 minute each) – Continuation of previous session

·       3rd case – Gen. Cosimo Piccinno (NAS)

·       4th case - Andreas Rossa (German Prosecution)

·       5th case - Cathérine Collinet (French Brigades)

12:05 -12:35Debate with speakers – Q&A
12:35 – 14:30Buffet lunch for participants
Session 4 – Improving Methodologies
14:30 -14:40Chair/Moderator  Introduction – João Onofre (European Commission, DG Agriculture)
14:40 – 15:25

3 speakers, 15 minutes each, on the following topics:

·       Cooperation between laboratories and validation of techniques. - Elke Anklam (Joint Research Centre)

·       Vulnerability assessment and approaches to Food Fraud prevention – John Spink (Michigan State University, USA)

·       The EU FOODINTEGRITY Project – Paul Brereton (Food and Environment Research Agency, UK)

15:25 – 16:00Debate with speakers – Q&A
16:00 – 16:10Conference Close – Paola Testori Coggi (Director General, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers)
16:10 – 16:30Closing remarks - Beatrice Lorenzin (Italian Ministry of Health)