Ministero della Salute

Conference - Antimicrobial resistance

Data evento: 22 - 23 dicembre 2014

image of drugs of various types

Conference - Antimicrobial resistance
Rome, 22 - 23 dicembre 2014
Auditorium of the Ministry of Health - 5, Viale Giorgio Ribotta

A recent WHO report (April 2014) highlights how antimicrobial resistance is a global issue that public health has to face with and also that appropriate antimicrobial resistance monitoring and control systems are not widespread.

The issue should be addressed in the context of the “One Health” perspective, a cross-cutting approach involving human and veterinary public health, as well as industry sectors such as the food industry. This approach will be the one to characterize this event.


Participants are kindly requested to complete their registration form

Will be received a maximum number of 150 registrations, any further requests will be evaluated based on availability.


Organizzazione e Info


Dr. Maria Grazia Pompa
Dott.ssa Stefania Iannazzo
Sig.ra Alessia Rapiti
Tel. +39 06 5994 3905

Ministry of Health, Directorate-general of health prevention
5, Viale Giorgio Ribotta - 00144 Rome

Dr. Alessandra Perrella
Tel: +39 06 5994 6822

Dr. Stefania Dalfrà
Tel: +39 06 5994 6616

Ministry of Health, Directorate-general of animal health and veterinary drugs
5, Viale Giorgio Ribotta - 00144 Rome