Ministero della Salute

International Conference - Medical Devices

Data evento: 18 - 19 dicembre 2014

Image depicting two doctors and a patient

International Conference - Medical Devices
Rome, 18 - 19 dicembre 2014
Auditorium Antonianum - 1, Viale Manzoni

The regulatory framework for medical devices has been in force from 20 years.

In 2012, the European Commission adopted two proposals for regulations on medical devices and  in vitro diagnostic medical devices ("IVD") , aimed at revising the European regulatory framework, in order to ensure a higher level of safety to patients, users and health professionals and to guarantee the marketing of safe, effective and innovative devices in a timely manner, preserving competitiveness and technological innovation. Currently, the two proposals are under discussion by the Council.

The Italian Presidency of the EU has underlined the strong commitment of Italian authorities to collaborate with EU Member States and to promote constructive discussion able to ensure significant progress..

The objective of the Italian MoH is to achieve a Council common position within the end of the semester: by doing that, the Conference may represent the first opportunity to illustrate the results of the work shared with EU Member States and Institutions.

Organizzazione e Info

Dott.ssa Annamaria Donato
tel: 06 5994 3063

Dott. Pietro Calamea
tel: 06 5994 2669

Dott.ssa Rosaria Boldrini
tel: 06 5994 2381

Dott. Antonio Parisi
tel: 06 5994 2525


Ministry of Health, Directorate-general of medical devices and pharmaceutical services

5, Viale Giorgio Ribotta - 00144 Rome